Monday, January 2, 2012

One of my favorite Pinhole photographs

Here's a pinhole photograph I took at a local park down from our school. It was taken on a 5 x 7 sheet of photographic paper in a fome-core camera with a tin can aperture. I particularly like how the 8 minute exposure caused the shadows in the tree to appear overlapped. There is also a sense of stillness in pinhole photographs that appeal to me. With the long exposures, quickly passing objects don't usually show up on the image. I also like the challenge of taking a pinhole photograph. With no viewfinder you have to estimate what will be in your photograph, and then hope the exposure time was accurate as well. If it doesn't come out you don't know until you're in the darkroom, and then if you want the shot, you have to return to the location with a new sheet of paper in the camera. While sometimes frustrating, this discovery process makes it all the more interesting to me. I look forward to seeing the pinhole photographs my students create!

1 comment:

  1. I love this one. The composition is spot on, I also think that the light "fall off" on the edges directs the viewer to the center of interest. Great detail!
    Becky R, Phoenix HS
